ABA LSD Antitrust Liaisons

American Bar Association Law Student Division Liaisons to the Section of Antitrust Law


8th Annual Law Student Writing Competition

Journal editors publishing law student articles addressing antitrust law, domestic or international competition policy, or consumer protection topics during calendar year 2005 are encouraged to submit their nominations for the AT's 8th annual writing competition.

ENTRY DEADLINE: January 9, 2006. Use this entry form.

The winner will be announced in March and awarded his or her prize at the annual spring meeting in Washington DC.


National Conference for the Minority Lawyer is this week

LSD members in or near Seattle can still register for the National Conference for the Minority Lawyer being held at the Sheraton Hotel this Thursday and Friday. The Section of Antitrust Law will be presenting "Antitrust Fundamentals" Thursday afternoon at 2pm, with speakers from Microsoft Corp, the Washington OAG, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman, LLP, and Jones Day. Check the Business Law site for more details.


Judicial Intern Opportunity Program in Texas

AT members should be proud of how much the JIOP program has grown! Thanks to your support, yours truly is one of ~40 students interning with state and federal district judges in Brownsville, Corpus Christi, Houston, and Laredo this summer. Vinson & Elkins graciously hosted our orientation at their offices in Houston on June 15. Speakers included:

Afterwards, Shook, Hardy & Bacon, LLP hosted a reception at Artista in the Hobby Center for the Performing Arts where we all enjoyed delicious food, drinks, and, most importantly, NETWORKING.

A huge thank you to our speakers and behind-the-scenes contributors that help make this program possible, not only in Texas, but also in Illinois, Florida, and the next expansion areas already in the works. Special thanks to Daina Saib for all her efforts at ABA HQ and the interviewers that helped select this year's interns!

[UPDATE] Read the press release. [/UPDATE]

LSD members: it's not too early to start planning for next year's JIOP! Here are some program FAQ's.



It is my pleasure to welcome you to the virtual home of your newly appointed ABA Law Student Division (LSD) Liaison to the Section of Antitrust Law (AT) for 2005-2006. Over the summer, I will be adding more information for the mutual benefit of LSD and AT members.

In the meantime, I hope everyone has marked their calendars for the "Why Antitrust?" session, scheduled for August 6 (during the Annual Meeting in Chicago). This is a joint session sponsored by the LSD & AT where speakers from the Department of Justice, Federal Trade Commission, in-house, and private firms discuss how and why they started their legal careers in antitrust. Hope to see everyone there!